Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Turning 35 or Turning Into My Mom...

For as long as I can remember, my Dad has teased me that when I turned 35, I was going to turn into my mother.  He joked that my mom all of the sudden had my Grandma Lois' quirks once she turned 35.

It used to really bother me.  Mostly because I saw myself as other.  And I still do.  There are a lot of times when I feel like I see the world differently and interact with the world quite differently than anyone else in my family.  I am my own person and I have my own personality... but on the eve of my 35th birthday, I'm thinking about the ways I'm like my mom.  And for the many reasons I'm thankful that there are parts of me that just might be turning into my mom.

My mom loves to make friends.  And so do I.  We used to joke that we literally couldn't go anywhere without running into someone my mom knows.  Or that she'd never met a stranger.  I, myself, have been accused of using the term "friend" a little too liberally.  But I like that I quickly accept others into friendship.  And that I am able to have friends from many different places and life circumstances.  Relationships are important to us.  One of the things I am most grateful for is that my parents are genuinely interested in my life - and want to know my friends.  And, I love that we share so many friends. 

My mom loves our family deeply.  And so do I.  My mom is loyal and cares deeply for each member of our family.  She longs for everyone to know that they are known, loved, and appreciated.  I am so grateful for my parents intentional and significant involvement in my nephews' lives and for the way they help take care of sick family members.  If you are a part of our family, my mom prays for you to know that you are loved most by Jesus.  And so do I. 

My mom invites others in.  Hopefully, so do I.  There's room at the table.  There's a bed to spare.  There's a place for you.  There have been a few seasons in my life when our home was shared with my Great Aunt Jayne or a family from our church.  Those experiences taught me a great deal about how to generously invite others into all of your life. 

My mom is gifted teacher.  And its also a gift I believe I've been given. While my mom's gift is most easily seen in a classroom setting (at school or at church), she also enjoys informally mentoring young teachers and moms.  I mostly prefer to use this skill through modeling and mentoring.

My mom loves children.  And so do I.  My mom has a special gift with small children and I think God gifted me with a special gift for tweens and young teenagers.

My mom loves water.  And so do I.  I love that my mom taught me to swim as a baby and gifted me with so many experiences with water - competitive swimming, boat rides, a backyard with a pool, and "Perrycations" at the ocean.  Being in or by water brings us both great joy. 

My mom has a sweet tooth.  And so do I.   I swear I inherited my inability to pass on any opportunity to eat a cinnamon roll.   

For as long as I can remember, one of my deepest desires has been to become a mom.  I have always known that my mom loves me deeply.  She tells me and shows me all the time that I'm loved.  And I hope that I can be a great momma... just like mine.