Things I'm doing these days:
- Scouring the internet for Costa Rican adoption stories
- Rejoicing with some friends who recently brought their children home
- Watching way too much television
- Spending nights staring at profiles of children waiting to be adopted and praying for them, longing for them to have a family and a home to call their own
- Trying not to convince myself that I'm simply just crazy. And trying to keep the worries that are too prevalent at bay: Finances, being a single parent in ministry, living 4,000 miles from family, public school here in not ideal, etc.
- And well, all the normal ministry things. Meeting with leaders. Praying. Young Life Clubs. Planning. Training. Contact work with kids - so grateful for that and for joy they bring to my soul!
Things I'm learning these days:
Trust. Been learning to lean more and more into Jesus despite the circumstances. I know He knows what He is up to. Trusting that my obedience will result in the best story.
Joy. Joy is a choice and a gift He's giving to me. I will find joy today in the fact that I'm loved and have the opportunity to love others!
Peace. Peace is something I have to ask for. Peace is something I have to fight for. Peace is not something I can create. Peace is a gift.
Longing. I long for my present and future to be different. To be more like Jesus, to follow Him well. To hear His voice. For governments to see the same future possibilities that I can see. For kids to know that they are loved and wanted. For kids to understand that Jesus loves them more than they could ever know.
So grateful for the opportunity to keep learning and to keep loving and to keep serving.
Sweet Jessie, God sees you and hears your heart. How he loves you and the children. Praying for you, friend.