A Full Heart, Yet Still Longing

We spent the afternoon at the park.
The boys had run tirelessly up and down
Keilor laughed with such pure joy
after he finally was able to get up the highest ramp on his own (well maybe my
dangling leg helped a little).
conquered their fears after they’d climbed way too high in a tree and had to
get make their way back down.
couldn’t stop smiling as he told me he was so convinced that he was going to
fall that he still wasn’t sure he hadn’t and he couldn’t make his heart
Joshua squealed on the sea-saw
when he was left hanging at the highest point and it was unclear if or when his
brother was going to let him down. They
were invited to play soccer with some new friends. Erick schooled them and then was generous to
make sure his brothers scored. It was a
pretty perfect afternoon.
My heart was
full and there was a big smile plastered on my face.
On our walk towards their home, Keilor stopped me. He pulled me down to his level. Then, he grabbed my ear
with both his little hands until his mouth was practically inside my ear. Then he whispered, “They should tell you that
you’re the best godmother ever.” And my
heart broke open. My heart spilled out
joy, love, and pride. I am so grateful
to be a part of these boys’ lives. I
love playing with them, laughing with them, and talking about Jesus. And I’m so glad that they love me being a
part of my life.
It’s so good.
And yet…
And yet... my heart also spilled out sadness, longing, and
desperation. It’s hard to accept that
these are the extent of relationships with children that God has in my life right
now. The love on you for a few hours and
then send you back home kind. The
godmother, friend, leader kind. These
are relationships I cherish and am grateful for… but heading home alone
sometimes is just really hard. I will
post these pictures, and I will live off the laughter and joy of this afternoon
for days. I will thank Jesus for letting
me be a part of their lives. And I will
remind Jesus again of how my heart aches for a sweet little boy to pull me down
to his level, to grab my ear with his hands, and whisper, “Mama”.