It’s not always easy to embrace my identity. Or to fully
understand it. To believe that I am loved,
known, and valued. Telling teenagers
that they are known, loved, and valued is something I have dedicated my life to
doing. And yet, sometimes I need to
remind myself that it is also true for me.
I have to silence the voices of the lies that tell me I will never
be enough.
There are plenty of overt voices, but I think we also have to be
aware of the subtle ways that we are making girls and women feel or believe
that they are second-class citizens, just because they are female.
The church has been a subtle voice that has made me personally
feel less than.
There are so many voices who have told me because I am female, I
cannot possibly hear the voice of God in the same way as a man. That I
must always be under the authority of a man when teaching coed groups.
All these voices trying to tell me that I am not hearing God's clear calling on
my life correctly.
Thankfully, they were never the only voices that I heard. There is an army of witnesses that have
spoken truth over me, who have affirmed and encouraged me. Unfortunately, the truth hasn’t always been
the loudest voice in my head.
Here's the reason for the soapbox moment: I recently learned that
our English Bible translation might be part of the confusion about the value of
In Genesis 2, God decides to make a “suitable helper” for
Adam. “The help” is the woman who is
later named Eve. This word has always
been difficult for me because it seems demeaning… like I was made to help fulfill the man’s needs, or to do
the things he is unwilling to do.
Here’s the blow your mind truth that I just learned. The word that is typically translated as help
– really is a strong word. The Hebrew
word to describe the woman that God is going to create is ezer. Ezer means “strength” or “rescue”.
Meaning God created Eve to be Adam’s strength. God created women to be rescuers in times of
other humans’ great needs.
The word ezer is found
21 times in the Bible. Twice we find ezer in Genesis, in reference to
Eve. Three times the nation Israel begs
other nations for military Ezer –
strength, rescue. However, ezer is used sixteen times to describe
God’s great power and strength; His faithfulness to rescue us in our
33:20 - We put our hope in the Lord. He is our (ezer) help and our shield.
Psalm 70:5- But as for me, I am poor and needy; please hurry to my aid, O God. You are my (ezer) helper and my savior; O Lord, do not delay.
God could have called women anything he wanted. But He chose a word that means strength. I’m so sorry that’s been lost in
translation. But women, let this truth
wash over you… You are strong. You are
of equal strength as men. You were not
created to be his helpmate, but to be his strength. God used a word that describes him to
describe you. God didn’t call us a
helper. He called us strength.

YOU ARE STRONG. So today, hold your head high, and embrace your inner ezer.
YOU ARE STRONG. So today, hold your head high, and embrace your inner ezer.
I love this so much! I never knew this.